GeoTop Summer Research Programme for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
The Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology is offering an opportunity for BSc and MSc students at KU to gain research experience in Mathematics. Students will work on a project tailored to their background, supervised by a GeoTop member. The project will introduce the students to current research questions, with the possibility to try out solving some smaller problems. Students will need to write a final report and present their work at the end of the programme.
The programme will run during the summer term (blok 5) and will function as a "project outside the course scope" (PUK) for 7.5 ECTS. See the general requirements PUK for for the BSc and MSc Programmes.
If you are interested in applying to be part of the program, please contact Jan Tapdrup ( with the following information:
- Your mathematical background, in particular courses taken and grades received.
- A faculty member we may consult about your fit with the program.
- Areas of Mathematics under the broad umbrella of Geometry/Topology that you would be interested in working on. (It is even better if you have already found a willing advisor!)
Previous projects:
- Andrei Staicu (advisor Ronno Das), Counting n-Arcs in Projective Planes over Finite Fields (2022)
- Bhavna Joshi (advisor Kaif Hilman and Nathalie Wahl), Universality of symmetric monoidal structures (2022)
- Pengkun Huan (advisor Vignesh Subramanian and Shachar Carmeli), The Adams-Atiyah-Hopkin's solution to the Hopf invariant one problem (2022)
- Yuxuan Xiao (advisor Mikala Jansen), Topological complexity and motion planning (2022)