Newly employed 2022.09.12 Qingyuan Bai, PhD student Qingyuan Bai was employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2022 in the section for Algebra and Geometry.
Newly employed 2022.09.06 Branko Juran, PhD student On the first of September 2022, Branko Juran started as a PhD student at the department’s section for Algebra & Geometry and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2022.08.30 Marius Kjærsgaard, 4+4 PhD student Marius is employed as a so-called 4+4 PhD student from 1 September 2022. He will be working with the Algebra and Geometry section and the GeoTop centre.
Newly employed 2022.08.29 Oscar Bendix Harr, PhD student As of 1 September 2022, Oscar Bendix Harr will be a PhD student at the GeoTop centre. His supervisors are Jesper Grodal and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.10 Jan Steinebrunner, postdoc Jan Steinebrunner started on 1 August 2022 as a postdoc associated with the AG section and the GeoTop Centre. He will be working with Søren Galatius and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.02 Robert Burklund, postdoc Robert Burklund started on 18 July 2022 as a postdoc at the Algebra and Geometry section, associated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Awards 2022.06.13 The Clay Research Award to Galatius & Randal-Williams The 2022 Clay Research Award are made to Søren Galatius (University of Copenhagen) and Oscar Randal-Williams (University of Cambridge) for their profound contributions to the understanding of high dimensional manifolds…
Honor 2022.05.20 Diploma Award to Dustin Clausen Associate Professor Dustin Clausen has received the Hartmann Foundation's Diploma Prize 2022 for his work on developing and understanding the deep connection between geometry and number theory, two basic fields in…
ICM 2022 2022.04.05 ICM events in Copenhagen The International Congress of Mathematicians 6 - 14 July 2022 will not take place as planned in Russia. Instead, the ICM 2022 is reorganised as an online event. However, in different locations – including Copenhagen –…
Newly employed 2022.02.02 Dani Kaufman, postdoc Dani Kaufman was employed 1 February 2022 at the Algebra and Geometry section and the Center for Geometry and Topology. She will be working with Søren Galatius and Nathalie Wahl.