2020.09.24 Postdoc Positions in Mathematics Postdoc Positions in Mathematics at the University of Copenhagen.
Appointment 2020.09.09 Niels Martin Møller, Associate Professor of Mathematics The Dean has appointed Niels Martin Møller as Associate Professor of Mathematics at the Department for Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2020.
Newly employed 2020.09.02 Ali Muhammad, PhD student Ali Muhammad is employed as a PhD student as of September 1st 2020, with the Algebra and Geometry Section and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).
2020.08.19 Dustin Clausen, associate professor Dustin Clausen started 1 August 2020 as an associate professor in the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Symposium 2020.08.12 Opening symposium in the new GeoTop Centre Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology will address the array of fundamental and unanswered questions in mathematics that lie at the intersection of geometry and topology. The opening of the centre will be marked b…
Newly employed 2020.08.10 Hailun Zheng, postdoc Hailun Zheng started as a postdoc on 1 August 2020. She is a member of the Algebra & Geometry Section. Her mentor is Karim Adiprasito.
Newly employed 2020.06.26 Jingxuan Zhang, PhD student Jingxuan is employed at the Department for Mathematical Sciences from 1 July 2020, where he will be associated with the Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).
Newly employed 2020.06.11 Johanna Kristina Steinmeyer, PhD student Johanna Kristina Steinmeyer started in February 2020 as a PhD student, associated with the Algebra & Geometry section.
Newly employed 2020.06.11 Peter Patzt, postdoc Peter Patzt started 1 June 2020 as a postdoc at the GeoTop Centre and the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Newly employed 2020.04.16 Benjamin Brück, postdoc Benjamin Brück started as a postdoc at 1 April 2020 and will stay in Copenhagen for six months. He is a member of the Algebra & Geometry Section and the Centre for Geometry and Topology. His mentor is Nathalie Wahl.