Newly employed 2020.04.03 Calista Bernard, research assistent Calista is employed as a research assistant at the section for Algebra & Geometry, where she will work with Søren Galatius and the new GeoTop Centre.
Newly employed 2020.04.02 Jan Tapdrup, Centre Administrator at GeoTop Based at his home office, Jan Tapdrup took up the position as center administrator at Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology on April 1st 2020.
grants 2020.02.06 Five new Marie Curie Fellows The Department has been awarded five of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships. Congratulations to the five postdoc fellows and their mentors.
mathematics 2019.10.23 World leading mathematicians to solve mysteries at the interface of geometry and topology An array of fundamental and unanswered questions in mathematics lie at the intersection of geometry and topology. With a 60 million kroner grant from the Danish National Research Foundation to establish a new research…