Newly employed 2021.10.04 Pierre Elis, PhD student Pierre Elis was in September 2021 employed as a PhD student at the department’s section for Algebra & Geometry.
Videos 2021.10.04 More than 30,000 views The YouTube channel for the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology is a success.
Newly employed 2021.09.28 Shachar Carmeli, postdoc Shachar Carmeli was employed on 1 September 2021 as a postdoc in the department’s section of Algebra & Geometry, working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2021.09.03 Maxime Ramzi, PhD student Maxime Ramzi is employed as a PhD student starting in September. He will be working with the Algebra & Geometry Section and the GeoTop Centre, under the supervision of Jesper Grodal and Markus Land.
Newly employed 2021.09.02 Dagur Tomas Asgeirsson, PhD student Dagur Tomas Asgeirsson is employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2021. He will be working with the Centre for Geometry and Topology under the supervision of Dustin Clausen.
Newly employed 2021.08.31 Ronno Das, postdoc Ronno Das is employed from 1 September 2021 as a postdoc, working with the Algebra and Geometry section, specifically in the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Research grants 2021.08.19 Marie Curie grants to Moon, Schmidt and Kock Two postdocs and an associate professor have each won a competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, which they will carry at our department during the next two years. They will research in spectral gap stability,…
Newly employed 2021.08.09 Nasrin Altafi, postdoc Nasrin Altafi is employed from 1 August 2021 as a postdoc at the Algebra & Geometry Section. She will be working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2021.08.09 Joachim Kock, associate professor Joachim Kock is employed for two years as an associate professor on a Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship. He will be working with the section for Algebra & Geometry and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and…
ICM 2022 2021.07.09 Tobias Holck Colding to give Plenary Lecture at ICM Adjunct professor Tobias Holck Colding will be Plenary Lecturer at The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in St Petersburg, Russia, July 2022.