Past AG Theses and Projects
PhD Theses (2012-)
Maxime Ramzi (PhD, 2024), Separability in homotopy theory and topological Hochschild homology
TEXT: [Maxime Ramzi TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Maxime Ramzi COVER PDF]. - Pierre Elis (PhD, 2024), Equivariant cobordism categories and the homology of moduli spaces of equivariant manifolds
TEXT: [Pierre Elis TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Pierre Elis COVER PDF].J - Jingxuan Zhang (PhD, 2023), Localization theory for propagation of quantum information:
TEXT: [ZHANG TEXT PDF]. COVER: [ZHANG COVER PDF]. - Alexander Frei (PhD, 2023), Operator algebras and nonlocal games: Optimal states and self-testing:
TEXT: [AF TEXT PDF]. COVER: [AF COVER PDF]. - Jeroen van der Meer (PhD, 2022), Higher-algebraic Picard invariants in modular representation theory:
TEXT: [JVDM TEXT PDF]. COVER: [JVDM COVER PDF]. - Kaif Hilman Tan (PhD, 2022), Norms and periodicities in genuine equivariant hermitian K-theory:
TEXT: [KHT TEXT PDF], Text in B5 format. COVER: [KHT COVER PDF]. - Malte Sander Leip (PhD, 2022), On the Hochschild homology of hypersurfaces as a mixed complex:
TEXT: [MSL PDF vol.1], [MSL PDF vol.2] NB: Text in B5 format. COVER: [COVER PDF vol.1], [COVER PDF vol.2]. - Luigi Pagano (PhD, 2021), The motivic zeta functions of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces: TEXT: [LP PDF], COVER: [LP COVER PDF].
- Francesco Campagna (PhD, 2021), Arithmetic and diophantine properties of elliptic curves with complex multiplication: TEXT: [FC text PDF], COVER: [FC cover PDF].
- Daria Poliakova (PhD, 2021), Homotopical algebra and combinatorics of polytopes: TEXT: [DP PDF], COVER: [DP cover PDF].
- Robin Janik Sroka (PhD, 2021), Patterns in the homology of algebras: Vanishing, stability, and higher structures: TEXT: [SJR PDF], COVER: [SJR cover PDF].
- Mikala Ørsnes Jansen (PhD, 2021), The stratified homotopy type of the reductive Borel-Serre compactification and applications to algebraic K-theory: TEXT: [MØJ PDF], COVER: [MØJ cover PDF].
- Zhipeng Duan (PhD, 2020), On equivariant Euler characteristics and spaces of trees: TEXT: [ZD PDF], COVER: [ZD cover PDF].
- Asbjørn Christian Nordentoft (PhD, 2020), On arithmetic statistics and periods of automorphic forms: TEXT: [ACN PDF], COVER: [ACN COVER PDF].
Riccardo Pengo, Mahler (PhD, 2020), measures, special values of L-functions and complex multiplication: TEXT: [RPM PDF], COVER: [RPM COVER PDF]. - Philipp Schmitt(PhD, 2020), Strict quantization of certain classes of analytic functions: TEXT: [PS PDF], COVER: [PS COVER PDF].
- Joshua Edward Hunt. (PhD, 2020), Decompositions and obstructions for the stable module ∞-category; TEXT: [JEH PDF], COVER: [JEH COVER PDF].
- Francesco Chini (PhD, 2020), Some classification results for translating solitons and ancient mean curvature flows: TEXT: [FC PDF].
- Georgios Dalezios. (PhD, 2019), Relative homological algebra and exact model structures: TEXT: [GD PDF], COVER: [GD COVER PDF].
- Espen Auseth Nielsen(PhD, 2018), Operations on Hochschild complexes of Hopf-like algebras: TEXT: [EAN PDF], COVER: [EAN COVER PDF].
- Rune Harder Bak (PhD, 2018), Tensor abelian categories -- in a non-commutative setting: TEXT: [RHB PDF].
- Martin Speirs (PhD, 2018), On the algebraic K-theory of coordinate axes and truncated polynomial algebras : TEXT: [MS PDF], COVER: [MS COVER PDF].
- Valerio Proietti (PhD 2018), On K-theory, groups, and topological dynamics: TEXT: [VP PDF], COVER: [VP COVER PDF].
- Benjamin Böhme (PhD 2018, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Equivariant multiplication and idempotent splittings in G-spectra.
- Manuel Krannich (PhD 2018, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): On characteristic classes of manifold bundles.
- Isabelle Laude (PhD 2018, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Mapping spaces, centralizers and p-local finite groups of Lie type.
- Amalie Høgenhaven (PhD 2017, advisors: Lars Hesselholt & Ib Madsen): Real topological Hochschild homology.
- Tomasz Prytula (PhD 2017, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Hyperbolic isometries of Systolic complexes.
- Massimiliano Ungheretti (PhD 2016, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): On the algebraic structure of Hochschild complexes and the free loop space.
- Matthias Grey (PhD 2015, advisor: Ib Madsen): Rational homological stability for automorphisms of manifolds.
- Casper Guldberg (PhD 2015, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): On homotopy automorphisms of Koszul spaces.
- Mauricio Gomez Lopez (PhD 2015, advisor: Erik Kjær Pedersen): Spaces of piecewise linear manifolds.
- Kristian J. Moi (PhD 2014, advisor: Ib Madsen): Equivariant homotopy theory and K-theory of exact categories with duality.
- Sune Precht Reeh (PhD 2014, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Burnside rings of fusion systems
- Martin Wedel Jacobsen (PhD 2014, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Block fusion systems and the center of the group ring.
- Daniela Egas Santander (PhD 2014, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Graph complexes and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces.
- Angela Klamt (PhD 2013, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): The complex of looped diagrams and natural operations on Hochschild homology.
- Toke Nørgaard-Sørensen (PhD 2013, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Homotopy representations of simply connected p-compact groups of rank 1 or 2.
- Emanuele Dotto (PhD 2012, advisor: Ib Madsen): Stable real K-theory and real topological Hochschild homology.
- Tarje Bargheer (PhD 2012, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): A colorful approach to string topology.
MS Theses (2007-)
- Guillem Fernandez (MS 2019, advisor: Ryomei Iwasa): Topological Hochschild homology and L-functions.
- Brandon Garcia (MS 2019, advisor: Søren Galatius): Hodge theory and the cohomology of complex varieties.
- Anders J Pedersen (MS 2019, advisor: Markus Hausmann): Cyclotomic Spectra and Topological Cyclic Homology of E-infinity-ring spectra.
- Magnus B Kristensen (MS 2019, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Orthogonality axioms in type theory.
- Sebastian Schwarze (MS 2019, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): High-Dimensional Higman-Thompson Groups.
- Adrien Vakili (MS 2018, advisor: Anssi Lahtinen): Invertible Two Dimensional Topological Field Theories.
- Joshua E Hunt (MS 2018, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Lifting G-stable endotrivial modules.
- James A Brotherston (MS 2018, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Topological types and group cohomology of reductive linear algebraic groups.
- Klaus A Caning (MS 2018, advisor: Rune Haugseng): Topological Quantum Field Theories.
- Bjarke Ø Nielsen (MS 2017, advisor: David Sprehn): The Structure of Hopf Algebras.
- Matteo Barucco (MS (at Pisa University) 2017, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Homological Stability in Pre-Braided Homogenous Categories.
- Zhipeng Duan (MS 2017, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Group Actions on a Product of Spheres.
- Rolf Christian Jørgensen (MS 2017, advisor: Beren Sanders): Localization and support in triangulated categories.
- Cédric Ho Than (MS 2016, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): On the homotopy theory of semi simplicial sets.
- Alexander Jasper (MS 2016, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Symmetric arcs and homological stability for surfaces.
- Lasse Bryder Nielsen (MS 2016, advisor: Dan Petersen): Koszul duality for the little disk operad.
- Mathias Nisted Velling (MS 2016, advisor: Dan Petersen): Configuration spaces of algebraic varieties.
- William Kurdahl Larsen (MS 2016, advisor: Beren Sanders): Derivators and Stable Derivators.
- Kyriakos-Panagiotis Iliadis (MS 2016, advisor: Gijs Heuts): The classifying space of the cobordism category.
- Peter James Dawson (MS 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Monoidal categories and Δ, Θ2 and Γ.
- Mikala Ørsnes Jansen (MS 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Stable Real Cohomology of SLn(Z).
- Sarah Diana Christel Larsen (MS 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Fermat Hypersurfaces Over Finite Fields.
- My Tran (MS 2016, advisor: Dieter Dries Degrijse): Bredon cohomology of non-positive curved triangle of groups.
- Erica Minuz (MS 2015, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): The Simplicial Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category.
- Martin Patrick Speirs (MS 2015, advisor: Kristian Moi): Model categories with a view towards rational homotopy theory.
- Anna K Steensen (MS 2015, advisor: Irakli Patchkoria): J-equivalence in the lambda-ring of finite p-group representations.
- Pernille Lindberg Bruhn (MS 2015, advisor: Dustin Clausen): A lower bound for the Real J-homomorphism.
- Helle Bumbech Andersen (MS 2014, advisor: Ellen Henke): Classification of fusion systems.
- Rasmus Nørtoft Johansen (MS 2014, advisor: Irakli Patchkoria): Duality of classifying spaces in Morava K-theory.
- Jens Jakob Kjær (MS 2014, advisor: Markus Szymik): The Kahn-Priddy Theorem.
- Brian Brost (MS 2013, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Computing persistent homology via discrete Morse theory.
- Mads Christian Hansen (MS 2013, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Teichmüller Theory and Dynamics.
- Isabelle Laude (MS 2013, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Fusion systems and their classifying spaces.
- Amalie Høgenhaven (MS 2013, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Quillen stratification in group cohomology.
- Gesche Nord (MS 2012, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): The s-chromatic polynomial.
- Eske Sparsø (MS 2011, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Exotic fusion systems and Euler characteristics.
- Steffen Christensen (MS 2011, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Equivalence of the little discs and cacti operads .
- Mauricio Esteban Gomez Lopez (MS 2011, advisor: Oscar Randal-Williams): Spaces of manifolds, cobordism categories and the Madsen-Weiss theorem.
- Kristoffer Kjær (MS 2011, advisor: Alexander Berglund): Derived invariance of the B-infinity algebra structure on the Hochschild cochain complex.
- Paolo Masulli (MS 2011, advisors: Jesper Grodal & Oscar Randal-Williams): Equivariant homotopy: KR-theory.
- Casper Guldberg (MS 2011, advisor: Richard Hepworth): Labelled string topology for classifying spaces of compact Lie group.
- Martin Wedel Jacobsen (MS 2011, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Euler-karakteristik af fusionskategorier for Chevalley-grupper.
- Sune Precht Reeh (MS 2010, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Burnside Rings of Fusion Systems.
- Daniela Egas Santander (MS 2010, advisor: Alexander Berglund): Quasi-categories and Complete Segal Spaces (Quillen equivalences).
- Marc Stephan (MS 2010, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Elmendorf's theorem for cofibrantly generated model categories .
- Rasmus Hedegaard (MS 2010, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Seifert surfaces of maximal Euler characteristic.
- Toke Nørgaard-Sørensen (MS 2010, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Compact classical Lie groups G for which H^*(BG;F_2) is polynomial.
- Ulrik Buchholtz (MS 2008, advisor: Jesper Grodal): The Atiyah-Segal completion theorem.
- Martin Vincent (MS 2008, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Diffeological differential geometry.
- Tarje Bargheer (MS 2008, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Cultivating Operads in String Topology.
- Morten Poulsen (MS 2007, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Depth, detection, and associated primes in the cohomology of finite groups.
MS Projects (2008-)
- Julie Z Rasmusen (MS project 2019, advisor: Ib Madsen): An alternative definition of algebraic K-theory for projective modules.
- Marius Nielsen (MS project 2019, advisor: Thomas Wasserman): Tannaka Duality.
- Nina Holmboe (MS project 2019, advisor: Thomas Wasserman): Two-Dimensional Topological Quantum Field Theories.
- Anders J Pedersen (MS project 2018, advisor: Markus Hausmann): Symmetric spectra and infinity-categorical spectra.
- Jonas McCandless (MS project 2018, advisor: Tobias Barthel): Duality and ambidexterity in K(n)-local spectra.
- Anders J Pedersen (MS project 2018, advisor: Simon Gritschacher): Algebraic K-theory of permutative categories.
- Anders J Pedersen & Magnus S Kristensen (MS project 2018, advisor: Lars Hesselholdt): Straightening and unstraightening.
- Asbjørn Nordentoft (MS project 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Moduli for elliptic curves with eta-struture.
- Adrien Vakili & Sriram Ramasubramaniam (MS project 2016, advisor: Gijsbert Heuts): Classifying Topoi.
- Anne Gregersen & Kristian Peter Poulsen (MS project 2016, advisor: Irakli Patchkoria): Knot Theory.
- Mikala Ørsnes Jansen (MS project 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Lie Algebra Cohomology.
- Alexander Jasper (MS project 2016, advisor: Irakli Patchkoria): Dress Construction of the Serre Spectral Sequence.
- Dan Saatrup Nielsen (MS project 2016, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Model categories.
- Søren Frölich (MS project 2015, advisor: Lars Hesselholt): Toric Varieties.
- Rasmus Nørtoft Johansen (MS project 2013, advisor: Markus Szymik): Thom spectra and bordism theories.
- Johan Laine (MS project 2013, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Simplicial Spaces and Homotopy Colimits.
- Mads Christian Hansen (MS project 2012, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Morse theory on complex grassmannians.
- Amalie Høgenhaven (MS project 2012, advisor: Alexander Berglund): Homology of local rings.
- Jens Jakob Kjær (MS project 2012, advisor: Alexander Berglund and Jesper Michael Møller): Golod complexes.
- Alberto Santini (MS project 2011, advisor: Jesper Møller Michael): Topological groupoids.
- Mauricio Esteban Gomez Lopez (MS project 2011, advisors: Jesper Møller Michael & Ryszard Nest): Introduction to characteristic classes.
- Kristoffer Kjær (MS project 2011, advisor: Alexander Berglund): Triangulated and derived functors.
- Paolo Masulli (MS project 2011, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Stable homotopy and the Adams spectral sequence .
- James Gabe (MS project 2010, advisor: Alexander Berglund): The Dold-Kan correspondence and derived functors of non-additive functors.
- Martin Wedel Jacobsen (MS project 2010, advisor: Jesper Michael Møler): Euler-karakteristik af fusionskategorier.
- Casper Guldberg (MS project 2010, advisor: David Ayala): Quasi-Categories.
- Steffen Christensen (MS project 2010, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Frobenius algebras and two dimensional TQFT's.
- Pauline Karlson (MS project 2010, advisor: Ib Madsen): Vektorfelter og singulariteter
- Xiaoguang Jiang (MS project 2010, advisor: Ib Madsen): Poincare duality in de Rham cohomology
- Marc Stephan (MS project 2010, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Elmendorf's theorem via model categories.
- Daniela Egas (MS project 2010, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Algebraic K-theory of a finite field.
- Sune Precht Reeh (MS project 2009, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Homotopiteori for pomængden af p-undergrupper i en endelig gruppe.
- Rasmus Heedegaard (MS project 2009, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Existence and uniqueness of knot factorizations.
- Marc Stephan (MS project 2009, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Homotopy colimits in model categories.
- Toke Nørgaard-Sørensen (MS project 2009, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Categories, their nerve, and their (co)homology.
- Raffaele Rani (MS project 2009, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): On parallel Transport and Curvature .
- Bogi Lenvig (MS project 2008, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Lovasz Conjecture and Hom complexes .
BS Theses (2007-)
- Felix Minddal (BS 2019, advisor: Cody Gunton): Ample sheaves on curves.
- Stine Olsen (BS 2019, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Knot Invariants.
- Morten Kastrup (BS 2019, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Non-Euclidean Geometries.
- Rikke Søndergaard (BS 2018, advisor: Markus Hausmann): The degree of a smooth function.
- Lærke A Thomsen (BS 2018, advisor: Markus Hausmann): Free actions on spheres.
- Julie Z Rasmusen (BS 2018, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Regular curves on Riemannian manifolds.
- Eigil F Rischel (BS 2018, advisor: Rune Haugseng): Localizations in higher algebra and algebraic K-theory.
- Pernille J V Sand (BS 2018, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Expander graphs: spectral graph theory and Ramanujan graphs.
- Jon L Holmberg (BS 2018, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Algebraic K-theory and Quillen's +-construction.
- Josefine Alberte Sjöström (BS 2017, advisor: Dan Petersen): Introductory de Rham cohomology and the Poincaré Duality theorem.
- Joakim Nilaus Hven (BS 2017, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Fundamental groups and covering spaces.
- Jakob Stolberg-Larsen (BS 2017, advisor: Gijsbert Heuts): Groupoids in algebraic topology.
- Dung Pham Ngoc (BS 2017, advisor: Natalie Wahl): Spherical geometry and hyperbolic geometry.
- Andreas Abildtrup Hansen (BS 2017, advisor: Natalie Wahl): Topological data analysis motivated.
- Jonas McCandless (BS 2017, advisors: Lars Hesselholt & Gijs Heuts): Symmetric spectra with a view toward higher algebra.
- Anders Jess Pedersen (BS 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Representation theory of finite groups.
- Bettina Skjold Mikkelsen (BS 2016, advisor: David Sprehn): Non-vanishing results in group cohomology.
- Christoffer Vilstrup Jensen (BS 2016, advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Fletning gruppen.
- Klaus Alberg Caning (BS 2016, advisor: Dustin Clausen): Hyperbolic geometry and fuschian groups.
- Adrien Vakili (BS 2015, advisor: Michal Jan Adamaszek). Vietoris-Rips complexes of point sets in Euclidean space.
- Sebastian H Schwarze (BS 2015, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Kaos i diskrete biologiske modeller.
- Astrid Høgenhaven (BS 2015, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Euler characteristic of subgroups categories
- Mikala Ørnes Jansen (BS 2014, advisor: Dustin Clausen): De Rham cohomology.
- Alexander Jasper (BS 2014, advisors: Nathalie Wahl & Wolfgang Steimle): The Classification Theorem for compact surfaces.
- Thomas Helsted Petersen (BS 2014, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): The map colour theorem.
- Nicolas Bru Frantzen (BS 2013, advisor: Ellen Henke): On finite groups admitting a fixed point free automorphism.
- Mikkel Emil Strunge (BS 2013, advisor: John Foley): Introduction to Discrete Morse Theory.
- Morten Ankerstjerne (BS 2012, advisor: Oscar Randal-Williams)
- Mathias N. Velling (BS 2012, advisor: Søren Galatius): Hopf algebras and thier structure
- Rasmus Hansen (BS 2012, advisor: Oscar Randal-Williams): The Jones polynomial and Khovanov cohomology
- Caroline Poulsen (BS 2012, advisor: Ernst Hansen): Simple Grupper.
- Rasmus Nørtoft Johansen (BS 2012, advisor: Jepser Grodal): Automorphisms of G - with applications to group extensions
- Pernille Lindberg Bruhn (BS 2012, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Burnside-ringen for endelige grupper
- Anna Kiel Steensen (BS 2012, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Polykromatiske tal for abstrakte simpliciale komplekser
- Martin S. Christensen (BS 2011, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Introductory Knot Theory. The knot groups and the Jones polynomial.
- Jens Jacob Kjær (BS 2011, advisor: Jesper Michael Møller): Duality theorems for simplicial complexes.
- Mads Christian Hansen (BS 2011, advisor: Richard Hepworth): Towards Seifert Fibrations.
- Helle Bumbech Andersen & Karen Hjort Brusch (BS 2011, advisor: Richard Hepworth): The Jones Polynomial and Khovanov Homology .
- Lise Volsing Smith (BS 2011, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Gruppekohomologi og gruppeudvidelser.
- Christina Slaatorn (BS 2010 advisor: Nathalie Wahl): Euklidisk og ikke-euklidisk geometri.
- Isabelle Laude (BS 2010, advisor: Alexander Berglund): Den øvre grænse sætning for simpliciale sfærer.
- Casper Guldberg (BS 2009, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Steenrod operations -- construction and applications.
- Jacobien Carstens (BS 2007, advisor: Jesper Grodal): Homotopy Theory of Topological Spaces and Simplicial Sets.